Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tumblring on

Due to a certain few people (JDKendellecough) getting on my case about it, I am trying out tumblr, another blog hosting site.
If I adjust and enjoy it, I'll probably shift my posting up there. If I get sick of it, I'll be right back here on blogger...blogging.
We shall see.

Check it:

With love,

Sunday, December 6, 2009

100 things to do before college

The list has been completed!
But first, I'll explain the motivation behind it. I don't remember where it started, but I think it may have just suddenly come to me--a list of 100 things to do before I start college. I thought it would be a fun thing to do, and hopefully it turns out to be. I've been working on it for the past few weeks (It's much harder to think up than you think it would be). If you want to help out with any of them, let me know!
Italicized entries are currently happening as I post this, and the crossed out ones have been completed.

1. Get accepted to an awesome college.
2. Donate blood.
3. Go somewhere amazing and out of the ordinary.
4. Spend $100 or more on one thing.
5. Make an incredible breakfast.
6. Show Torri this list once I'm done with it.
7. Have a big snowball fight.
8. Write a song (using bass, guitar, harmonica, trumpet), record it, and show it off.
9. Start a big sing-a-long of "Never Gonna Give You Up".
10. Run barefoot in the snow.
11. Have a pillow fight.
12. Win a first place award in the CHSPAA contest.
13. Read Tom Chiarella's "What is a Man?"
14. Read "The Things They Carried."
15. Sample every flavor of Vitamin Water.
16. Go to at least two grad parties.
17. Listen to the song "Something Else" by Gary Jules. (Off the album Trading Snakeoil for Wolftickets)
18. See Sid and Nancy.
19. Try a new food.
20. Listen to 100 ska songs in a day.
21. Listen to the entire discography of They Might Be Giants in the shortest amount of time possible (day, week, etc.)
22. Send a letter to a stranger about what's going on with YOU.
23. Put up random inspirational sticky notes all over school, a store, or all over. Whatever.
24. Throw food at someone.
25. See a bitchin' band and sing along with every song.
26. Get super good at harmonica.
27. Become an okay trumpet player.
28. Get a bunch of people together to play Brawl.
29. Actually have that John Hughes marathon.
30. Spend $100 at Independent records in one visit.
31. Buy your first hip-hop album (Possibly to go with the above)
32. Watch Rent just to see what the fuss is about.
33. Watch every episode of Invader Zim in the span of a week.
34. Drive around listening to "Hey Jealousy". Both versions. Sing it LOUD.
35. Hold hands with people, stand in a circle, sing kumbaya.
36. Read The Phantom Tollbooth for the millionth time.
37. Hear the Modest Mouse album Good News For People Who Love Bad News.
38. Watch the Labyrinth.
39. Wrestle in something.
40. See my homegirls in Texas.
41. Get to post up one of my suggestions.
42. Write a really epic poem. (But not like the Iliad.)
43. Make 3 (personal) mix CDs for three people in one day.
44. Buy or otherwise obtain a record player to keep for myself.
45. Get a laptop.
46. Watch all six Star Wars movies in a row.
47. Watch the entire first LotR movie. Without falling asleep.
48. LOL so hard I pee a little bit.
49. Eat a whole pie in Brandon’s honor.
50. Remix the swipe video’s audio into a song.
51. Teach someone how to skank.
52. Make the coolest clone picture ever.
53. Write a really great blog that gets at least five comments!
54. At some point have every song on my iTunes listened to at least once.
55. Read all of Evasion.
56. Upload a torrent of the entire Dead Milkmen Discography
57. Get at least $5 playing harmonica downtown.
58. Finally get the first Vacancies album
59. Sing and dance in the snow with Grace
60. If possible, try a Double Down at KFC.
61. Hug a really big stuffed bear (or gorilla via Jace).
62. Do a mash up of “Through Being Cool” by Devo, and “Through Being Cool” by Saves The Day.
63. Mash up “Can’t Touch This” and “Cars”
64. Listen to my entire Bob Dylan collection. (#21 rules apply)
65. Hug a certain person for five continuous minutes.
66. Watch Band Of Brothers.
67. Watch Black Hawk Down.
68. Hold a boombox outside someone's window. (Possibly playing Peter Gabriel)
69.Watch Say Anything.
70. Go to Skate City and have a bitchin' time.
71. Start a conga line in the lunch room.
72. Watch Anchorman.
73. Get a group of people together to work at the Marion House for a day, not associated with church.
74.Write a "Moving On" thing for JD's little project.
75. Take the Minor Threat: Complete Discography/Rancid :...And Out Come The Wolves style photo
76. Cry because something is so beautiful.
77. Get a job.
78. Do a cover of a song I love.
79. Make a "Songs To Play At My Funeral" mix.
80. Get some sort of award for a comedy piece in Forensics.
81. Make a self-portrait.
82. Pull a prank on April Fool's Day.
83. Get someone really into a band.
84. Learn to play the bass solo in "My Generation"
85. Not the use the internet a whole day.
86. Watch The Graduate.
87. Listen to all of the Residents' stuff in a day.
88. Go bowling.
89. Go to a different religious service.
90. Take a picture with the school mascot.
91. Jam with Torri.
92. Make a Spam sandwich.
93. Go to a hip-hop show.
94. Make a snow angel.
95. Read in the slam again.
96. Get a haircut.
97. Send a letter to The Independent.
98. Influence someone to become more environmentally-friendly
99. Read Pay It Forward.
100. Go out of your way to make someone happy.

Wish me luck,

Monday, November 30, 2009

The Zany Zeroes

It's almost been a year since I got this Napoleon Dynamite calendar. It's been hanging around for eleven months now, month after month of pictures of nerds being flipped to reveal a new picture of nerds, with only one photo of nerds left to be revealed. At the end of it, a new decade begins.
The 2000s will be the first decade I will have lived all the way through, and the decade that I've first been really aware of this hectic world around us all. It's a bit of an odd thought for me. So much is coming in 2010, and this shift in life seems to go hand-in-hand with the dawning of this new decade.
I hadn't realized how close we are to the 10s until I saw the cover of the new TIME: The Decade From Hell (and why the next one will be better). Then it just hit me like a puff of steam or something of the sort. A new era is coming.
I feel like I can wear this decade like a badge now. Like a recruit in the military getting his first bar. I have a little more experience, and now I'm a little more prepared for the future. The 00s held the first big historical event I ever lived through and remember. The 00s held most of my time as a teenager. The 00s are ten years I won't forget. The 00s really have a weight for me. Now they're over, and we're moving farther into this new millennium. The 00s are almost history, and I was a part of it.
But maybe I'm just thinking too much about the insignificant when I should be sleeping for school tomorrow. I guess I have ten years to figure that out.

Moving on,

(Note: I wrote this November 29th, finished about 11:58 pm)
(I'll be posting about my favorite albums of each year just for fun soon!)